Kotlin, Spring & Spring Boot

How to Fix Misconfigurations in RedisTemplate


Our story begins with a colleague and me trying to debug an issue with our project for a few hours. We needed to fetch a value from Redis storage, but whenever the service ran, the fetched value was null. Despite our efforts, we couldn’t find a solution on the internet, and to make matters worse, our code was actually covered by tests that had all passed!

In this article, we will explore a common issue when using RedisTemplate in Spring applications. We’ll demonstrate how misconfigurations can lead to your tests passing while failing to fetch the correct data. Additionally, we’ll show you how to configure properly RedisTemplate to avoid this problem.

Initial Configuration

To configure our application to connect to Redis, we will add the following configurations to your application.yml file:

      host: ${REDIS_HOST:localhost}
      port: ${REDIS_PORT:6379}

This configuration sets up the Redis host and port, defaulting to localhost and 6379 if no environment variables are provided.

Creating the RedisTemplate Bean

We will now create our RedisTemplate bean to be used as a Redis client in our codebase.

class RedisConfiguration {
    fun redisTemplate(connectionFactory: RedisConnectionFactory): RedisTemplate<String, Int> =
        RedisTemplate<String, Int>().apply {
            this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory

In this code, we define a RedisTemplate with a String key type and an Int value type, associating it with the Redis connection factory.

Writing Tests

In the next step, we will create a test that uses a Redis test container:

@TestConstructor(autowireMode = ALL)
class RedisContainerTest(private val redisTemplate: RedisTemplate<String, Int>) {
    companion object {
        private const val REDIS_PORT = 6379

        private val redisContainer = GenericContainer<Nothing>("redis:latest").apply {

        fun tearDown() {

We will set our Redis host and port to the values of our test container next:

fun registerDynamicProperties(registry: DynamicPropertyRegistry) {
   registry.add("spring.data.redis.host") { redisContainer.host }
   registry.add("spring.data.redis.port") { redisContainer.getMappedPort(REDIS_PORT) }

Next, we will ensure that our Redis cache is truncated between tests, and insert a predefined key and value into Redis using the redis-cli tool.

fun setup() {

Identifying The Issue

By running the following test with a breakpoint and checking the container running the command, we can see that the key is indeed stored in our container.

$ docker exec -it <CONTAINER_NAME> redis-cli> keys *
1) "key"

Now, we will write two tests. The first will try to fetch the value from the container directly using our RedisTemplate bean.

fun `should fail to fetch value`() {
   // Given predefined int key in Redis

   // When we fetch the value
   val value = redisTemplate.opsForValue().get(KEY)

   // Then the value is null

The second will update the value of the key using the RedisTemplate and fetch the key again using the template.

fun `should successfully fetch the value`() {
   // Given a value stored via RedisTemplate
   redisTemplate.opsForValue().set(KEY, VALUE + 1)

   // When we fetch the value
   val value = redisTemplate.opsForValue().get(KEY)

   // Then the value is null
   assertEquals(VALUE + 1, value)

As you can see, the first test fails to find the key in Redis and hence returns a null value, while the second can find the key after we use our template to update the value.

Fixing the Issue

To resolve the issue, we need to add serializers to our RedisTemplate definition. This ensures that the keys and values are correctly serialized and deserialized when interacting with Redis.

class RedisConfiguration {
   fun redisTemplate(connectionFactory: RedisConnectionFactory): RedisTemplate<String, Int> =
       RedisTemplate<String, Int>().apply {
           this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory
           this.keySerializer = StringRedisSerializer()
           this.valueSerializer = GenericToStringSerializer(Int::class.java)

You can now see that by running the following test, our code will manage to fetch the key successfully:

fun `should successfully fetch value`() {
   // Given predefined int key in Redis

   // When we fetch the value
   val value = redisTemplate.opsForValue().get(KEY)

   // Then the value is correctly fetched
   assertEquals(VALUE, value)

Where to Find the Code

All the code presented in this article is available on the GitHub Repository Redis-Template-Key-Demo.

The following branches are available:

  • main – contains the code that presents the issue described in the article
  • value-fetching-fix – contains the fix to the serializer, allowing all tests to pass


When setting up a Redis client, make sure to configure your key and value serializers to avoid unexpected problems when reading from your cache. The problem might not appear during your tests, but it can suddenly start in production. It’s always better to be explicit when configuring your persistence layer.


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